Morning Announcements - 3-11-24

Student Council:

On March 14th, The Student Council will be hosting Mr. Avon (A Male Pageant Show). 


Are you ready to showcase your creativity and Panther Pride? We're hosting a logo contest and we want YOU to design the perfect emblem for our BSU that also reflects our Panther spirit. The winning design will not only represent our organization but also earn you a $25 gift card of your choice! Submit your artwork digitally or drop it off in Mrs. Shanks-Correa or Ms. Leavers' mailbox by March 14th. Check out the flyers around the school for more information. Let's see your talent shine and leave your mark on BSU!"


Seniors, please check your emails regarding diplomas!


High School: Students can go to Room 235 and work with Mr. Clements or Mr. Thoreson.  They will be available Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 2:30-3:30.

Middle School: Students can go to room 122 with Ms.Tyler and Ms. Martell. They will be available Mon, Tue and Thurs from 2:25 - 3:25pm. Stop by and get some work done.


Attention interact club members and friends, the Interact Club will be meeting on Wednesday after school in room 300. All club members should be there and all friends or interested should be as well.


Detention will be held in room Room 246– Mrs. Whitworth


Winter Awards Night March 20th at 6:00 PM.

MAC All Star game March 14th at Old Colony Girls at 5 P.M. and Boys at 6 PM

Boys Interested in playing baseball should see Mr. Dockendorff in the gym

Spring Impact Testing March 11th and 12th in the Gym at 2:15

The Class of 2025 is hosting a School-Wide Basketball Tournament this week March 11, 12, and 13th from 2:15-3:15.  Students are encouraged attend, fee $2, to cheer for their grade at the tournament.   Snack concessions will be sold too! Don’t miss out on this very exciting event!!