Morning Announcements February 7, 2022


No Middle School Boys Practice 

Girls Varsity Practice 2:30-3:00 Monday, February 7th

Boys Jv Home game Vs Hull Monday, February 7th at 3:30

Boys Varsity Home game Vs Hull Monday, February 7th at 5:00

The Athletics Department is happy to announce that due to the decreased number of COVID cases, we are able to allow students and others to attend games!   So come and support our panthers! Just a reminder that all individuals that enter Avon Middle High School are required to wear a mask. 

Black History Month:

Today we honor Benjamin Oliver Davis Sr., the first African-American general for the U.S. Army. He battled segregation by developing and implementing plans for the limited desegregation of U.S. combat forces in Europe during World War II. He was three times assigned as a professor of military science and tactics at Wilberforce University in Ohio and Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. He rose slowly through the ranks, becoming the first black colonel in the army in 1930. In 1940, he was promoted to brigadier general by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Davis retired in 1948 after 50 years of service. Following many years of service, he became an adviser for the military on racial discrimination, pushing for full integration of the armed forces. He earned a Bronze Star and Distinguished Service Medal. After his death in 1970, he was buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

Drama Club:

Drama Club presents "Student Shorts: Year 7" today at 3PM. Tickets are $5 staff and students. Thank you for supporting the Drama Club. We'll see you at the show!